2,063 research outputs found

    \u3cem\u3eINS v. Elias-Zacarias\u3c/em\u3e: Political Asylum, Plain Meaning, and the Labyrinth of Formalism

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    Improved memory loading techniques for the TSRV display system

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    A recent upgrade of the TSRV research flight system at NASA Langley Research Center retained the original monochrome display system. However, the display memory loading equipment was replaced requiring design and development of new methods of performing this task. This paper describes the new techniques developed to load memory in the display system. An outdated paper tape method for loading the BOOTSTRAP control program was replaced by EPROM storage of the characters contained on the tape. Rather than move a tape past an optical reader, a counter was implemented which steps sequentially through EPROM addresses and presents the same data to the loader circuitry. A cumbersome cassette tape method for loading the applications software was replaced with a floppy disk method using a microprocessor terminal installed as part of the upgrade. The cassette memory image was transferred to disk and a specific software loader was written for the terminal which duplicates the function of the cassette loader

    Voter model with non-Poissonian interevent intervals

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    Recent analysis of social communications among humans has revealed that the interval between interactions for a pair of individuals and for an individual often follows a long-tail distribution. We investigate the effect of such a non-Poissonian nature of human behavior on dynamics of opinion formation. We use a variant of the voter model and numerically compare the time to consensus of all the voters with different distributions of interevent intervals and different networks. Compared with the exponential distribution of interevent intervals (i.e., the standard voter model), the power-law distribution of interevent intervals slows down consensus on the ring. This is because of the memory effect; in the power-law case, the expected time until the next update event on a link is large if the link has not had an update event for a long time. On the complete graph, the consensus time in the power-law case is close to that in the exponential case. Regular graphs bridge these two results such that the slowing down of the consensus in the power-law case as compared to the exponential case is less pronounced as the degree increases.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Social Ranking Techniques for the Web

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    The proliferation of social media has the potential for changing the structure and organization of the web. In the past, scientists have looked at the web as a large connected component to understand how the topology of hyperlinks correlates with the quality of information contained in the page and they proposed techniques to rank information contained in web pages. We argue that information from web pages and network data on social relationships can be combined to create a personalized and socially connected web. In this paper, we look at the web as a composition of two networks, one consisting of information in web pages and the other of personal data shared on social media web sites. Together, they allow us to analyze how social media tunnels the flow of information from person to person and how to use the structure of the social network to rank, deliver, and organize information specifically for each individual user. We validate our social ranking concepts through a ranking experiment conducted on web pages that users shared on Google Buzz and Twitter.Comment: 7 pages, ASONAM 201

    Minority Becomes Majority in Social Networks

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    It is often observed that agents tend to imitate the behavior of their neighbors in a social network. This imitating behavior might lead to the strategic decision of adopting a public behavior that differs from what the agent believes is the right one and this can subvert the behavior of the population as a whole. In this paper, we consider the case in which agents express preferences over two alternatives and model social pressure with the majority dynamics: at each step an agent is selected and its preference is replaced by the majority of the preferences of her neighbors. In case of a tie, the agent does not change her current preference. A profile of the agents' preferences is stable if the preference of each agent coincides with the preference of at least half of the neighbors (thus, the system is in equilibrium). We ask whether there are network topologies that are robust to social pressure. That is, we ask if there are graphs in which the majority of preferences in an initial profile always coincides with the majority of the preference in all stable profiles reachable from that profile. We completely characterize the graphs with this robustness property by showing that this is possible only if the graph has no edge or is a clique or very close to a clique. In other words, except for this handful of graphs, every graph admits at least one initial profile of preferences in which the majority dynamics can subvert the initial majority. We also show that deciding whether a graph admits a minority that becomes majority is NP-hard when the minority size is at most 1/4-th of the social network size.Comment: To appear in WINE 201

    Multiple agency perspective, family control, and private information abuse in an emerging economy

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    Using a comprehensive sample of listed companies in Hong Kong this paper investigates how family control affects private information abuses and firm performance in emerging economies. We combine research on stock market microstructure with more recent studies of multiple agency perspectives and argue that family ownership and control over the board increases the risk of private information abuse. This, in turn, has a negative impact on stock market performance. Family control is associated with an incentive to distort information disclosure to minority shareholders and obtain private benefits of control. However, the multiple agency roles of controlling families may have different governance properties in terms of investors’ perceptions of private information abuse. These findings contribute to our understanding of the conflicting evidence on the governance role of family control within a multiple agency perspectiv

    The Routing of Complex Contagion in Kleinberg's Small-World Networks

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    In Kleinberg's small-world network model, strong ties are modeled as deterministic edges in the underlying base grid and weak ties are modeled as random edges connecting remote nodes. The probability of connecting a node uu with node vv through a weak tie is proportional to 1/∣uv∣α1/|uv|^\alpha, where ∣uv∣|uv| is the grid distance between uu and vv and α≥0\alpha\ge 0 is the parameter of the model. Complex contagion refers to the propagation mechanism in a network where each node is activated only after k≥2k \ge 2 neighbors of the node are activated. In this paper, we propose the concept of routing of complex contagion (or complex routing), where we can activate one node at one time step with the goal of activating the targeted node in the end. We consider decentralized routing scheme where only the weak ties from the activated nodes are revealed. We study the routing time of complex contagion and compare the result with simple routing and complex diffusion (the diffusion of complex contagion, where all nodes that could be activated are activated immediately in the same step with the goal of activating all nodes in the end). We show that for decentralized complex routing, the routing time is lower bounded by a polynomial in nn (the number of nodes in the network) for all range of α\alpha both in expectation and with high probability (in particular, Ω(n1α+2)\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{\alpha+2}}) for α≤2\alpha \le 2 and Ω(nα2(α+2))\Omega(n^{\frac{\alpha}{2(\alpha+2)}}) for α>2\alpha > 2 in expectation), while the routing time of simple contagion has polylogarithmic upper bound when α=2\alpha = 2. Our results indicate that complex routing is harder than complex diffusion and the routing time of complex contagion differs exponentially compared to simple contagion at sweetspot.Comment: Conference version will appear in COCOON 201

    Site selective reading of epigenetic markers by a dual-mode synthetic receptor array.

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    Variably functionalized self-folding deep cavitands form an arrayed, fluorescent indicator displacement assay system for the detection of post-translationally modified (PTM) histone peptides. The hosts bind trimethyllysine (KMe3) groups, and use secondary upper rim interactions to provide more sensitive discrimination between targets with identical KMe3 binding handles. The sensor array uses multiple different recognition modes to distinguish between miniscule differences in target, such as identical lysine modifications at different sites of histone peptides. In addition, the sensor is affected by global changes in structure, so it is capable of discriminating between identical PTMs, at identical positions on amino acid fragments that vary only in peptide backbone length, and can be applied to detect non-methylation modifications such as acetylation and phosphorylations located multiple residues away from the targeted binding site. The synergistic application of multiple variables allows dual-mode deep cavitands to approach levels of recognition selectivity usually only seen with antibodies
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